Sloe-ly Does It



Have just spent a couple of mindless hours pricking sloes on the kitchen table (and that’s not something you expect to write every day). My fingers are now perforated but the deed has been done and seven bottles are now safely secured in the airing cupboard. First time I’ve done this so found a decent recipe off the web. Basically bung 350g of sloes into a 70cl bottle; lob in 5oz of castor sugar and top up with bottom shelf cheap gin. ‘Agitate’ bottle daily for a couple of weeks and then leave for three months. Decant and get stuck in. Easy.

Pick them now…even though most recipes say wait until October or the first frost. If you wait you’ll find that other sloe gin lovers (and there are many) will have stripped the bushes for miles.    

For those who have never tasted sloe gin I cannot stress enough how fantastic it is. A genuine winter warmer.  Beware…it does creep up on you. Too much and you’ll find yourself naked in a wheelie bin at 3am wondering when and indeed where the wheels came off. 

Must go, got some ‘agitating’ to do.